Greetings from Iraq (ok... I'm really home, but I'm going back on the 5th), I decided during my extended stay I would start playing again. I got my old (really old) BC Rich Warlock platinum edition out of the garage, it was nasty, so I decided to break it down (for shipping and cleaning). Once I began taking apart, I decided the electronics could use an overhaul and this is where it starts. I can't find schematics for this thing anywhere. BC Rich has supposed schematics for this, but nothing matches up. Also every humbucker wiring diagram has 4 wires and a ground... Mine only has 3 and a ground... not to mention the wire colors just don't make sense, mine has red, white, blue and then the ground which doesn't really match any of the wiring guides I've looked at...

Are there any guitar techs that can figure this one out... According to the way it was wired (might have been wired incorrectly from the start, but it worked) I've drawn a really bad diagram, I really don't know where the blue wire goes... can anyone help?

273374-bcrichschematicsmall.JPG (3596 downloads)

Brett 60Gb MK2a with Led's