I work in an office that has multiple neighbors with WAP's set up and we have our own. Now whats weird is if I turn on the Antenna for the wireless nic I get every WAP out there but mine for a good 6+ minutes. It just doesnt show up in the available wireless networks.. But after waiting forever it eventually just pops in the list and at full reception.. It seems like when its first turned on its trying to log in to this other WAP thats not ours.. I have clicked and clicked disconnect on that to no avail. It seems like after its tried multiple times and finally gives up on that WAP is when it fines ours.. I know enough to set up my WAP but when it comes to troubleshooting stuff like this im a little lost.. I have sat there and clicked refresh many many times and it wont show up.. Now if i walk over to and stand in front of the WAP it will show up. but not until im RIGHT in front of it.. otherwise I have to wait the few minutes i mentioned before it will show up. but once i have it i have full reception. Anyone have any ideas how to get the wap to show up and not try connecting to this other one? Thanks!
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