I came across
this auction on eBay and the more I looked at it the more bogus it seemed to be.
Oh. In the 5 minutes since I last looked at the auction, eBay has cancelled it.
This listing (250094586430) has been removed or is no longer available. I guess my suspicions were well-founded! But, dammit, I put so much work into studying and researching that auction and the seller that I'm going to post my suspicions here anyway!

Here are the things that drew my attention that I wrote in an email to the seller:
1) You are in France. 100% of your feedback for the 60 items you have sold is in French, suggesting you have sold only in France.
2) The auction says the item is in New York.
3) You are using a J&R Camera logo in your picture.
4) You don't show shipping method or costs.
5) You don't indicate paymenet method
6) There is no eBay buyer protection
7) Part of your item description is for a completely different camera
8) You do not indicate whether the camera is new or used.
9) A search for transactions by "titimk2" shows no completed transactions--ever. How, then, do you have 100% positive feedback on 200 transactions?
10) Your user profile says that you currently have no active listings, despite the three auctions under your name.
11) You have three identical auctions running, each one with four cameras. This does not seem reasonable.
12) Despite incredibly low prices, nobody has bid on any of the auctions.
13) The prices are too low to be believable -- less than 10% of the normal price.
Darn... here I was all excited that I was going to get a $500 camera for $50. If that army general in Nigeria would just put the money into my bank account that he promised me, I could pay the full $500 and not worry about it. I wonder what's taking him so long?