Hi all.
I know many of you are keen photographers, and I am seeking advice from such. I find myself in need of a new digital camera, and have decided I want to launch myself headlong into the universe of joy that is DSLR, rather than the integrated type of camera I have had until now.
My previous decent camera (a Fuji S9500) has suddenly had a mild stroke, and the mode select wheel no longer functions. While I can probably fix it, I've never been completely satisfied with the results from the thing, and am now thinking of either a Canon 400D or a Nikon D80. Obviously I would like to go for a much higher end camera, but I'm not made of money, dammit!

My question is the obvious one, which is better? I have read all the reviews I can find, and have no strong feelings one way or the other. Both seem very similar in most respects, both are good cameras, and as I have no investment in lenses yet there is no particular reason to go down one path or the other. I am leaning slightly more towards the Nikon than the Canon, despite the slightly higher cost, mainly because of fairly small things like greater battery life.
They're only 10 megapixel, but for the type of use they will get that should be more than enough for the time being. If I need higher res pictures I always have my 1952 Graphlex Crown Graphic 4x5 inch press camera. I can scan the negatives to get 200+ megapixels, which really IS enough for almost any purposes. Plus it's so solid you can beat off muggers with it, then photograph the remains!
Any thoughts, comments, or advice welcome. It may even be acted upon
