For reasons too boring to go into now, my IMAP server works best when you connect without using SSL (I actually have two IMAP servers, one that listens on port 143 and the other on 993).

So ideally I want the WM6 IMAP client to connect to port 143 and use plaintext username/password.

I have this working on one of the accounts I have setup on my phone. Problem is I have no idea how I made it work.

When I setup a new account the same way (by putting "servername:143" in the server box) the new account doesn't behave the same way. Even though it has "servername:143" in the server box it still connects to the server on port 993 and uses SSL.

Does anyone know how you force WM6 to connect to port 143 ?

It clearly can be done, as I seem to have managed to do it before, just not sure how I did it.
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday