My (late) mother (Sheila Payne) appeared in a UK version of "What's my line" in approx. 1958/59. Her job was to do with driving horses - imagine a "stagecoach", if you will, with 4+ horses pulling one carriage. Her job would have been driving the horses, or playing the brass instrument to warn other road users, or some other support role. In essence, it was more or less a period re-enactment of times gone by. Funded, I'm certain, by the late Johnson Matthey.

I am posting here in hope that sombody on this BBS can put me in touch with someone who has a copy of that 1958/59 recording of my mother 'nervously' appearing on "What's my line"! smile

Apologies for the completely random post but this *is* the Empegbbs! smile

Edit: Fixed typo in subject line.

Edited by AndrewT (13/03/2009 23:36)