I thought this would be easy. Ugh.

I apologize if this seems like a repeat of a thread I started sometime last year. I'm continuously trying to improve the connection to my home theater, which is currently connected with powerline ethernet adapters. Here's what I'm currently trying to do:

I have a fairly new Airport Extreme (with the gigabit ethernet) that's acting as my main router and feeding the internet to all the computers upstairs and any wireless devices in my home.

I now want to add another Airport Extreme (one that came out just before the gig-E, but that doesn't matter for this application), and use it as a bridge to supply wired access to devices in my home theater. I do not want it to redistribute the wireless.

Does anyone know how the settings in the Airport Utility should be set for both devices? It's driving me insane! I've tried every mix of settings on the two routers, from slight changes to full MAC address assigning, and I can't figure it out! And so far the interwebs have been no help. I've been searching the Apple forums, and not found any help (no offense to anyone who might be over there, but from what I've read there, people aren't very helpful).

Is WDS actually what I want? It seems as though I should be able to do this without it, as I don't actually want to extend my wireless network.