Most of you probably know about this by now. Former Engadget/Gizmodo people have created GDGT. As I understand it, their goal is to have us all register all the gadgets we own and then they create discussion threads and whatnot around those gadgets. The value proposition for users is that communities, not unlike our own empeg bbs, come into existence around specific gadgets. You'll hear from others when there's a defect you need to deal with, etc.

Advertisers will love it, of course, because you're registering all the crap you own and they can computationally sort out things like how likely you are to be in the market for a new gadget.

Anyway, I'm curious, had such a thing existed back when the empeg Mk I was first coming into being, would this board have ever come together? Right now, big-time gadgets like TiVos will have dedicated forums. Smaller-time gadgets (like, say, the Oppo Blu-Ray player I just bought) tend to have threads on AV forums. How much of that traffic will GDGT capture?

Am I missing anything?