Modest backstory: a random high school friend of mine posted something on Facebook that was screamingly right-wing political silliness, and it was something completely unlike his normal posting pattern (assorted family stuff). Since the post was ragging on socialism, I just responded with a cute Yakov Smirnov quote ("Under capitalism, man exploits his fellow man. Under communism, the opposite is true."), which proceeded to get me a lecture I really don't need ("@Dan - when you're taxed less by the government, you have more resources at your disposal to EMPLOY others as well as donate to charities OF YOUR CHOICE.").
Rather than attempt to have a meaningful dialog, I just let it go, but it bugged me enough that I later posted a link about how the
U.S. has incredibly low taxes by any standard. That made me feel modestly better, but of course accomplished nothing.
It's like a deep, hand-wringing anguish not to call somebody on it when they're idiots, but I also fully recognize the folly of trying to defend the truth.

So... do any of you have rules about when you let somebody have it versus when you let it be? Does it matter whether the person is a distant acquaintance or ancient high school friend versus a professional colleague or parent of one of your kids' friends?