Hi everybody.

I've had two people ask me this now, and after researching it I can't come up with a good solution: Is there a product that will advance (and reverse) through a keynote presentation?

A tablet is a great way to carry your presentations around with you, but I've never gotten why the companies that make them always show people making presentations while holding the tablets. Because of the wires coming out of them, this doesn't seem like a great solution until a completely wireless one comes along. It really tethers you to where the projector is located.

I have two people who want to get some sort of mouse or remote that will advance through a Keynote presentation, but so far I haven't found a single product that will do this. Logitech makes a mouse for Android 3.x, I have it, and it works great, but I've seen no such solution for iPads. This shocks me a bit because I'd certainly expect better accessory support for the iPad than Honeycomb tablets.

So do you guys have suggestions? I found a solution that uses an iPhone as a remote, but these users don't have iPhones (corporate/financial folks, they're stuck on Blackberrys, those poor guys).