We figured we should start sorting this out. I thought I'd ask if anybody here has advice or thoughts.

We have one daughter, by then seven years old. Not so much into athletic things. Very much into being with her friends. For the past two summers, we've vacationed in the SF Bay Area, which seemingly has it all: great attractions, great weather, and we know a bunch of other people with kids of the same age, so even though they work, we can all get together for dinner.

This summer, we're pondering going elsewhere, but there's nowhere else on the planet we can go that has a stack of kids who our kid already knows. I'm a bit worried that the three of us would go nuts if we spent two weeks together going from art museum to castle to ancient ruin, no matter the beautiful weather or scenery.

We could try to coordinate with another family and make a double-vacation out of it, but everybody's schedules are different, so that's tricky to pull off.

So... fellow family people, I'm curious if you might offer advice on this sort of thing: what sorts of vacations work vs. what sorts of vacations end up as disasters of one sort or another when you're dealing with this particular kid age group.