Ok, I can use either Numbers or Excel (both on a Mac, I don't have office for Windows). In a pinch I can also dump the content into an SQL database and then use PHPMySQL to accomplish what I'm looking for. I can even export this whole thing as CSV and then use a script to manipulate the text file. Whatever is easiest for whomever can think of a solution. First I have to apologize because this isn't going to be as interesting or complex as Doug's Excel kung-fu.

I have multiple rows that I've currently got sorted by a numerical (integer) column called "ID" - the current ID numbers start at 0 and end around 248, however there are many missing.
I want to add rows corresponding to the missing IDs and fill in those cells with the missing ID numbers. I don't care whether the rows are inserted into the existing table or simply added at the end. A sort on the ID column can put everything in order after all this is taken care of.
Label Protocol ID Code
Play NEC 002 0000 22BF 3D4A
Pause NEC 008 F43A 0000 2267
Select NEC 013 0044 2283 1238
Given the above example, I'd like to automatically create rows with IDs 0-1, 3-7 and 9-12. The content of the other cells for the new rows is unimportant (should be blank).