SWMBO is going to Europe tomorrow with her iPhone, and in an effort to reduce the amount of stuff she takes with her, I would like to put music on it instead of her taking a dedicated music player.

I know nothing of iPhones.

Is there a way to drag MP3 files to her iPhone from my computer? Does an iPhone even play MP3 files or does it have to be in some proprietary Apple format? Can it be done without putting iTunes on my computer? (That last one is a deal-breaker!) Assuming I can get music into her iPhone, how does she listen to it?

I don't own a cell phone of any type, much less a Smart Phone. So any replies will have to be really simple and basic!

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.


EDIT: Never mind. I figured it out. CopyTransManager to the rescue! And once again, thank you Tony Fabris for recommending CTM to me all these years ago.

Edited by tanstaafl. (10/05/2012 18:12)
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"