
Ok. What's up with ubbthreads? I can't get it to stay in flat mode for displaying the forums. I'd assume it sets these values with a cookie, and my options are set right in my setup. I'm dealing with this at work and at home. I thought originally it was due to my personal firewall software (zone alarm, and no, don't laugh, it does fine for what i expect from it) blocking cookies, but it isn't. I run XP both at home and at work. The issue persists when my FW is off at home, and at work where I'm not even using cookie blocking or anything similar.

So I've tried adding empeg.comms.net to my trusted zone, under the settings to allow any and all cookies from that domain, yada yada yada, jack [censored] for results.

I scanned around the bbs faq, then ubbthreads' product web site (and forums) and have found nothing so far.

I haven't had the time to sit and pick apart ubbthreads yet, and i will to fix this crap if no one else has dealt with it yet

thanks for letting me steam.. it's really impeding on my ability to kill time! heh
::: shadow45