I was digging around for information on extended forcasts so I could see what the days would be like when I am learning to ride a motorcycle. I found this supposed one that predicts out to 18 months ahead, but looking at the past 30 days, they were way off for rain/snow chance here.

But I came across a nice movie animation of the movements of the high and low fronts for the past 14 days, and the estimated movement of them for the next 14 days. Here is their java applet for displaying it. Now this can't be used for too much info, but it can give you a general idea of rain chance based on the activity around your area. The dates I am scheduled for look completly clear of any front activity, so it should be at least a mostly clear day. Most of the time it rains heavially only when a low front around the south border tosses clouds into the mountains.

With this animation and a vasic understanding of weather, others here should be able to forcast their own weather, instead of relying on passed down information streaming from pictures much like this.