Well, first off, I'll just mention that my MP3 libary is in shambles, and that before I got my Empeg, I really didn't bother setting up the tags or filenames correctly.
I've been using MusicMatch Jukebox because of its Super-Tagging ability, as long as the tags or filenames are somewhat idenifiable then it will be able to query a number of choices. It's not always correct, but the majority of the time it saves alot of time.
I was wonder if there is a stand alone program that will do it, instead of all the frills that come with the jukebox? I'm also looking for a genre database,whether it be a program or webside. Yes, I'm lazy, I just don't want to rerip all my cd's to my harddrive and do it correctly.
Emberwilde - Upon whispering winds, I weep, come and gone like a dream in sleep.