Okay, I've got an interesting project I'd like to try, and I'm looking for tips.

I've got my radar detector stealth-mounted in my car now. I completely dismantled it and installed its guts in the console just above my rearview mirror. It works well, I've lived with it for a couple of weeks and it's already saved my ass a few times.

However, it has a feature I dislike, and there doesn't appear to be a way to disable the feature. The feature is that its power-on-self-test is very noisy. It plays one beep of each of all of its various warnings when you first turn it on. Thats about 5-10 seconds of really irritating beeping and buzzing each time I start my car.

I've e-mailed their customer service department to see if there's perhaps a secret handshake that will let me disable the noisy POST sequence. But failing that, I'm wondering if I can put a time-delayed relay on its speaker line. Since I control the power supply going into it, I'm wondering if there's an easy way to do this.

Here's what I envision:

Can this be done easily and inexpensively? Anyone have any ideas how to pull this off?

106262-relay.gif (161 downloads)

Tony Fabris