Even though I just lost my job, I have a large settlement coming from a car accident a few years ago. And with this money I've decided that I'm gonna take part of it and build a MAME cabinet. Since I want some more experience within the IT field I've decided to build my own PC for it. I want to include an ethernet port and network it up to my home pc with wireless internet access so that I can run it like a normal computer and not exclusively a MAME machine. I'm looking for the cabinet to include the following:
  • Intel 4 2.0Ghz
  • 40+GB Hard drive
  • 512MB RAM
  • Video card with S-video Out

any suggestions on Mobo's, what type of memory, books on building your own pc, or general electric tips would be highly appreciated. I plan on using the plans for the ultimate arcade II (the idea of playing 4 player Simpson's, Ninja Turtles, or X-men in my own home makes me drool)
Mark IIa - 60gb - Smoke
[blue]fitter, happier, more productive[/blue]