Old memories:

I remember seeing a movie when I was much younger (on our black and white TV). The bits I can remember were:
* that it was about some kind of industrial or government espionage.
* that the starting and ending scene have a guy and a girl piloting this incredibly fast boat around a (badly backscreened) bay; eventually they start making out and end up crashing the boat into the sand, still kissing.
* that there's one scene where an agent has planted a bug on a plate of hors d'ouevres, and then someone picks it up and eats it and the guy listening goes through agony.
* that the house that (someone) lives in has all these latest gadgets including an automated vacuum cleaner that, naturally, goes out of control.
* that the key to the movie is that the computer that controls access to some secret plans accepts voice code authorisation, so the bad guys merely record the good guy when he says the code words.

Title, stars and availability in DVD region 4, please


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