A couple of weeks ago I put a demo cut of one of my songs on mp3.com. I didn’t really put it up to gain exposure; mostly it was just a handy place to stick it for friends and family to check out what we sound like. I was going to put a link here (since I consider a great many people here my friends), but as you are all really into music I wanted to wait until I had a better-produced cut. This one still has some parts I’d like to re-record, was partially mixed, hastily mastered, and is lacking full instrumentation (we’re going to add a Hammond organ, bass guitar, and probably an electric guitar for texturing). However, it seems mp3.com is forcing my hand a bit by shutting off their servers next month so I figured I’d go ahead and post a link.

As for style, this is pretty much as folk/pop Christian as you can get, at least that’s how I’d classify it. It’s not a great representation of our style (as we have some much more rocking songs) but it was easy to record, as it doesn’t have a drum set. I wrote the song, am singing the lead vocal, and playing both acoustic guitars (although the second one is only on the choruses and is barely audible even then). My wife is singing the lower background harmony.

Please be kind, as this is a work in progress; my best friend sound-engineered this, mixed it, and mastered it (though he’s not going to master the final CD when we’re finished) and I think he’s doing a heck of a job for this being his first full project.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.