So I installed the service pack for windows XP because I thought that it might help some of the problems I was having. It turned out that my computer started running extremely shitty. So I decided to uninstall the service pack. In the middle of the uninstallation, it froze trying to remove one file. I didn't know what to do, so I just resrtarted my computer. Here's where everuthing went wrong.

It booted up again, however, I get an error before it even gets to the logon screen in windows. It says that the ordinal 258 was not located in Shell32.dll. I click ok then it pops up another message saying my winlogon.exr is messed up along with the msgina.dll.

I decided to boot up using the XP CD and get to the recovery console. I copied over the shell32.dll and msgina.dll and got another winlogon.exe from another XP computer and copied that. I tried rebooting again however this time it would get into the logon, but a bluescreen would pop up with some weird message.

My quesiton is, Is there anyway I can just boot up and copy the files I need from my C drive to my other drive? THe c drive is formatted NTFS and my other one is FAT32. I tried copying files from the recovery console, but it said access is denied. I also tried booting to DOS using the DOS startup disk from XP. I got to a prompt bu it didn't see my C drive, I assume this is because it is NTFS. Is there anyway I can convert it to FAT32 so that dos can see it? I have Partition Magic, and i though about converting the disk to logical and seeing If i could convert it to FAT32, but i didn't want to screw anythign up.

I also tried connecting it to another computer as a slave drive, but that just caused the other computer to freeze.

I am desperate here. I need to get important files off tha drive. Any help would be greatly apprecieated. Sorry for the long rant. TIA