Turns out getting a vehicle trucked here is easy, but finding someone to deal with the title transfer is hard.

escrow.com offers such a service: they resell Road Ready Registration. Unfortunately the person who reads the mail generated by their web form is apparently in the hospital, and so no one's dealing. So my wife (who helpfully called for me) got to talk to someone else, explained that I wanted a title transfered, and they said they'd fax paperwork. I got the page where they want me to give power of attorney (fine), the page where they want payment (fine) and the page where they want me to set up a business account. I don't want to set up a business account: I'm not a business. I want to do effectively what escrow.com's form theoretically offers: have them go collect the title, transfer it to my state and convey it to me.

So either there's a crossed wire and they sent the wrong form, or they can't deal with me. Do any of you know of someone who can deal with me?