Okay, you're an 18 year old, white woman, raised in a stable home, who CHOSES to persue a college education, yet you blame the government for your DECISION to prostitude your virginity so you can live COMFORTABLY. I'm sorry, I've met people who have a hard life and who could use a little help from society to get on their feet so they can sustain themselves, but this woman is exactly why so many of us are disgusted my entitlements. This is the same school where Prime Minister Tony Blair's son Euan is also a student. Yeah POOR Rosie.

This "poor college" student thing is a crock of shit. I CHOSE to go to college and CHOSE to rent a closet so I could afford to enjoy the LUXURY of having a college education. I wasn't demanding a handout or larger loan from people who are paying taxes so I could have a TV in my room and a new laptop. If I couldn't afford that closet, it'd be nobody's fault, just a fact of life. I would have waited a few years while I worked elsewhere or done what I could. And I'm LUCKY to even have that as an option as I've met people that truely are in NEED.

Sorry, had to vent. I suppose a link would be handy huh?
Brad B.