Okay, so I've joined the dark side. I recently experienced the slow breakdown of my Win2K installation, and started over from scratch with XP. Now I'm having issues with that installation.
Basically, for the past two evenings I've been tearing my hair out trying to figure out what's happened to my internet connection. I eventually uninstalled and reinstalled my wireless adapters, but was in the exact same place as before.
Here's what I've found: I have three network adapters. Only one of them is the one I use to connect to the network and the internet. The others connect to some devices. For the heck of it, I disabled all but the network-connected one, and I was suddenly able to browse the internet.
So does this mean that Windows is confused as to which adapter to use? Why then, am I able to get to the router's admin page when all the adapters are enabled?