Hi, all.

I have a problem with Visual Studio 2005 that I hope someone can help me with.

I have a Passat 2006 which I, of course, have installed my Empeg in. It also has a display in the dashboard where radio info and such shows up, and it's controlled with CAN messages. I'd like to get the info from the Empeg up there and since I haven't found much info on the Internet about addresses and protocols for doing that, I figured I would try to reverse-engineer the info from the radio. The problem is that the radio gives out some information and then expects some answers before it gives out more info. So I made a small program that would listen to the radio (the CAN messages, that is... :-) ) and answer it so that I could get some more info out of it and eventually, hopefully, be able to get the info to the display.

So, to my problem... I have managed to listen to the messages from the radio and print them out in a textbox, but I haven't been able to get timers to trigger. Can anyone help me with that? I have enclosed the source, but I have to warn you: I'm not a programmer...! So it's probably a lot of bad code and bad programming there. There's also left-over code from when I started to make it in VB6.


300756-VS2005.zip (55 downloads)

Edited by Roger (23/06/2007 08:08)