My friend Fishy got me a great Christmas present that I just now got hooked up and working. I thought some of you might get a kick out of it.

Backstory: I have a small house and I've turned its basement into a makeshift recording studio. I made my last album there, but I'm also doing recording work for other people there. So many weekends at this house are spent with band members and friends milling around, while the recording of individual parts is happening downstairs. And the house is small enough so that noise from upstairs gets picked up by the mics downstairs. As a result, I was frequently running upstairs to tell everyone to be quiet because I'm about to start tracking.

Witnessing this, Fishy got a brilliant idea and surprised me with a "Recording" sign for Christmas:

Now, the sign itself looks awesome, as you can see, but that's not the geeky part; the sign was just a lucky Ebay find. No, this is more than just a light-up sign.

First, Fishy found a company that does programmable USB relays and got one that he built into an AC electrical outlet box. Into this AC relay plugs the sign.

Then he wrote some client/server software in Java. The server software runs on my 24/7-uptime fileserver on my local network. Into this server plugs the USB relay. The client software runs on any machine on the network (such as my main recording PC). Whenever I want to illuminate the sign (such as right before I begin doing takes), I just click on an icon.

He's even programmed the software to blink the sign rapidly each time it turns on or off, to get the attention of anyone in the upstairs area.

It works like a charm. I spent most of the evening yesterday being Homer Simpson: "Sign goes on. Sign goes off. Sign goes on..."
Tony Fabris