I think barring any other evidence, the past few days have provided some ultimate clues.

On Friday I locked my house keys inside my safe while changing the batteries on the safe. It wouldn't be a huge problem, except that I hadn't yet put in new batteries. And the safe's override key was on my keychain. Doh!

Now my camera, but thankfully not my PowerBook, is locked, inaccessible, inside the safe. Waiting for a reply from the manufacturer on some details I need to provide to get a replacement override key.

And today, not more than 5 minutes ago, for the first time ever, I spoke out the equivalent of a "stay off my lawn" to some kids. They were cutting across to another block by walking between my and my neighbor's house and then across his lawn and then my back neighbor's lawn. They'd have walked on my back lawn too but I have a plastic snow fence up for my dogs. wink I just told them it wasn't cool to cut through people's back yards and asked them not to do it again.

It's a new subdivision so there isn't any fencing up yet - once people put up fences it won't be possible to do that sort of thing anymore. I didn't yell and was quite polite saying pretty much what I wrote above. All considered I'm proud of at least that much, since it did bother me a bit to see the kids walk right past a window not more than 7 feet from where I'm sitting. Banging on one of my kayaks that's currently sitting under the window at the side of my house while making their way.
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