I've had a dirty great Jamma cabinet in my living room for the past couple of years now, and whilst it works I would say the project is about 60% finished.

I need more space so I thought I'd get rid of it on eBay but would finish the project first, play with it for a short period then list it.

It's the monitor that's causing the biggest headache, it's an impressive 28" model. There are a couple of problems with it, firstly the PSU is on it's last legs and needs servicing and worst of all it's not magnetically shielded in any way (I have posted about this before) and I have never really found a workable solution for that problem.

So, I thought I would try and replace the monitor, using an original arcade CRT is out of the question due to their expense. So I thought I would experiment with a replacement TFT. I took delivery of a very nice 26" model today and I have to say I am mighty disappointed, while the picture quality is just fine it doesn't feel like an arcade machine anymore.

What do you guys think? Is it a mistake to replace the old CRT for an LCD? Now I have played it I don't really want to fit it. Do I keep it real or suffer with the old monitor?

