I got accepted to join Mensa, so I'm collecting opinions about the organization to improve my understanding.

What is the public's general impression of the organization? Elitists, friends, nerds, haven; wasting time playing games, making a difference; etc.

Do you care if you may qualify? If you do qualify, would you join? Why or why not?

For any members:
What impact has Mensa had on you?

Do you feel that you fit in with other members you've met?

What distinct outcomes resulted from your membership? ie: met someone, inspired career change, landed a job, etc.

As I see it, most everyone on this BBS presents themselves as intelligent, well spoken, knowledgeable and confident, well deserving of Mensa membership. Is there a disconnect between your sheer level of ability and a Mensa member's level of intelligence?

Thanks all.
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