I work for a company that has offices in the US and in Canada. I asked our administrative assistant to send an external hard drive to our Ottawa office, where some data will be copied onto it, and then sent back here. It's just a huge chunk of data that is ridiculous to copy over a WAN.

I was asked to provide a price for the drive, at which point it occurred to me that an import duty is probably going to charged.

Now I'm not trying to avoid paying a duty if it's required, but it seems silly to do so in this case. They don't charge a duty when I take my laptop up there.

Is there some special incantation that I can put on the package that states that it will only be there for a few days and then be sent right back?

Edited by wfaulk (10/09/2009 18:18)
Edit Reason: apparently no HTML or non-ascii characters are allowed in the subject
Bitt Faulk