My Google-Fu is not up to the task, so I thought I'd see if someone here can help.

My wife damaged her knee in a fall, and after arthroscopic surgery, both her surgeon and her therapist have told her "No more stairs. Ever."

So, my choices are to either sell the house (not gonna happen!) or install a stair lift, you know, one of those little chair thingies you sit in that ever-so-slowly carries you up the stairs. To complicate things, the stairway is outdoors, so it has to be an outdoor-certified model, of which I have been able to find exactly one, made by AmeriGlide.

That's not the question, though. My shipping/importation costs are going to be fantastic: right around $1500. If I lived in California, it would be $199, but getting it across the border and down here to Ajijic... my mail forwarder charges me 50% of the invoice price, or by weight and volume whichever is greater.

If I could find a Mexican manufacturer of stairlifts, that would save me a great deal of money. Even if it were not outdoor-certified, I am pretty sure I could make it work, it's just a matter of keeping the electronics out of the rain. (We won't see another drop of rain here until next June, then we'll see plenty!)

Can you find me a Mexican manufacturer of stairlifts?

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"