Magnus Brading has apparently stopped supporting MP3TS. The last update was in 2011, and he has changed the downloads on his website to be time limited, that is, they stop working after 30 or 90 (or some number) of days.

The catch-22 is that the countdown starts in 2011, so anything you download is already expired. If you were a registered purchaser (like me) you can register your download and everything will be fine... except that you have to run the program to register it, and the program won't run because it expired three years ago.

After my computer died last month, I've had to reinstall all my software, including MP3TS, which of course won't run.

I tried setting my system date to 2011, and the program indeed did start up, but the moment I tried to actually do anything with it, it crashed. Perhaps it is not compatible with Windows 8.1?

Even the pop-up message telling me the software is expired is problematical -- there is no way to do anything with it (it isn't "mouseable") and the only way to get rid of it is to kill it with Task Manager. Oh, wait, if I just let it sit in the middle of the screen long enough (4--5 minutes) it crashes with some kind of memory violation.

After nine days, Magnus responded to my email about this, but his instructions weren't workable. They apparently assumed that I could actually do something with the "Expired" pop-up, but I can't.

Perhaps now is the time to investigate other options.

Suggestions, anyone?

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"