These photos are from Magnolia Hi-Fi in Roseville, CA. They get kudos for having a decent display of the Karma.

The rack on which it is displayed is directly in front of the cash register counter. The side facing away from the counter had the actual Karma/Nitrus packaged players, the side facing towards the counter had working demos on little pedestals. Quite cool.

Interstingly, the vinyl sticker on the face of the Karma (the one that makes it look like it's got text on the screen) was still there on the demo unit, even though the unit could power up and work.

Showing the guy in the store my boot up logo and VU meters did not seem to impress him. But maybe he'll show the VU meters to prospective customers now...

Paul G., could you cross post this on the beta board? I'm off to work on my Satellite now.

185531-karma1.jpg (138 downloads)

Tony Fabris