I use Pim's vfdhack to rsync-2.5.5 and ext3. I compiled up hijack 312 with ext3 on (only 309 was avaialble at the time for download) and today when I ran rsync I got a nasty little oops.
So, I downloaded the 'proper' ext3 version of hijack 313 (now its available) and it did the same thing (at least I know my 312 build wasn't the problem).
So I downloaded the real hijack 314 and that doesn't have the problem. So it seems somewhere from ext3-301 to ext3-313 something bad has happened.
Anyway, I'm attaching the oops info if anyone could help.
141310-oops.txt (215 downloads)
MK2a 60GB Amber 040103916 32mb/Light Kit
MK2a 50GB Amber 030102560 32mb