Has anyone ever ported the Empeg Software to windows (Shivers at the thought)

As most of you know do to space issues and needing a GPS/Nav for my new job I have sold my Empeg, and replaced it with a IVA900 from Alpine.
For some strange reason the Aux Audio/VIdeo Input is not alive and kicking (HUmmm I wonder how that happened) I would like to pick up a 12 Volt PC and once again have my mp3's files to take with me, I have searched high and low and none of the windows based players can hold a candle to the Empeg software for easy of use or power. so anyone have a port to PC or a clone/look-a-like ? or do I need to keep looking?

P.S. Once I get a bigger truck I might be looking for a new empeg and I'll just get an IR extender mount the empeg in the back and point a small video camera at it (yes I know that is a cheesy way to do it but beggers can't be choisers)
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