On a fairly new install of WinXP Pro, I can't get jemplode to start. I've got the latest .jar file from jempeg.org and I removed and reinstalled the latest jre from Sun.

When it starts it just puts up the "Reunion Tour" splash screen and stops. The javaw.exe process is not using 100% CPU and allocates about 16 megs of RAM. Nothing happens even after minutes on a fast machine.

I can't really think of anything related that might break it. I do have the Nokia PC Suite software installed which had associated itself with .jar files but I was specifically selecting the Sun java interpreter. After reinstalling the jre it took back the file association anyway.

I've never had a this problem before. Any ideas?
#40104192 120Gb (no longer in my E36 M3, won't fit the E46 M3)