Ok having issues removing a MARK from a marked track. I have tried using the remote (pressing the MARK/Cancel button). I get MARK Cleared and the 2 little explanation marks go away. However when I sync with my computer it still shows the track as MARKED in emplode and in the Empeg itself I get the 2 little explanation marks back, which indicate that the track is marked. I have tried removing the MARK through emplode both under All Tracks and from my playlist but after I sync again it is still MARKED.

Ok what am I doing wrong here it should not be that difficult right?

The way I got to this point is I downloaded a lot of songs from a lot of different artist, and I was using the Mark Track feature to flag me on Songs I liked that I wanted to put in to my favorites playlist. But now I am left with a lot of songs that are Marked.

I have even tried removing the Mark from the song on the empeg and in Emplode and then sync'ing but that just locked up my sync.

running 3.00-alpha11
latest hijack

Edited by brax (21/11/2008 18:39)