This is odd.. using 2.0b7 w/Hijack 151, If you go into EQ mode and "Select", you can press numbers on the remote and it causes the selection to jump around in an odd way. Left and Right work as expected, but the numbers don't. You don't go to the EQ number preset that you set, and you don't go by name (I renamed an EQ preset to something entirely different, and I know how playlist search works, but no combination of numbers seemed to get me there. I tried both the 'press-each-number-once-for-any-of-those-letters and the 'press multiple to spell' methods.).

So I can't figure out what you're supposed to do with the number keys in there.

It'd be helpful to know, as it would greatly simplify an IR Translation I'm working on to switch between EQ modes...

_____________ James Mancini