Hey guys..
Was wondering if someone could verify my pinouts. I'm using a MAX233 chip to do the conversion from RS232 to TTL. The tech doc is here. It's on page 21.

Since I'm only using one set, and this chip handles two, I have TX from the Empeg going to pin 4, RX on the Empeg to pin 5. Then the VFD is connected via RX from the VFD to pin 3, and TX from the VFD to pin 2.

However, I'm 'fraid that I may have messed up, or the schematic of the chip may be wrong. (There is one glaring error on the diagram already..)

In either case, the PCB's almost done, having a problem getting data to it, now.

Mike 'Fox' Morrey 128BPM@124MPH. Love it! 2002 BRG Mini Cooper