I'd like to know if I now have the record for fixing an Empeg at the fastest speed.

Had to go for a 1hr drive earlier this morning. My Empeg that I was testing with (Waldorf) was currently in the sled, my 'normal' one (Statler) was not. So, I switch them out, and Statler gives me a HD Not Found error. Try a couple resets, nothing.

So, in a hurry, I get off the expressway, jump into a Home Depot and pick up a allen wrench and small screwdriver set. Back on highway. While going 90MPH, I manage to take Statler apart, take out drive shelf, re-seat ribbon cables, test. Still no go. So I end up 'tapping' the side of the HD (can't HEAR if it's actually spinning or not, I had assumed that since it sat unused for a while (~5 days) the head just locked up.) Plug it in, and it worked! I had music for the rest of the trip.

Granted, it probably took alot longer than if I had just stopped, and I couldn't have done it without my shirt pocket, but I never dropped below 80MPH.

I'm proud.
Mike 'Fox' Morrey 128BPM@124MPH. Love it! 2002 BRG Mini Cooper