Does anyone know of any way to check WHAT is using a COM port? Just recently, I've had Alpha11 crash while doing changes through emplode. It seems I need to either upload music or change tags because emplode 2.00 and alpha11 don't like me doing either...

Well anyway, because of the crashes, now emplode wants to do disk integrety checks on each connection but crashes on the database rebuild (even though, on a boot up, the player rebuilds the database with no problems..).

Okay, this is an alpha, I can deal. But what's killing me is that now I can't connect with HyperTerminal or TeraTermPro. COM1 is unavailable with Hyperterminal and I get nothing happening with TeraTerm.

Reboots don't help.

Does anyone have any idea how I can check to see if another program is taking the port? I'm kind of at a loss... nothing has changed in my setup. I've check the cable, rebooted the PC, etc.

Using WinXP.
Brad B.