One of my 20+30GB drives started to play up so I decided to replace them with a single 80GB.

Single 80 GB installed and I flashed with Mark's builder_bigdisk.upgrade (MD5: f8058035460b062903a9c5359a1fa63d). Without ever using it before all I can say is the builder seemed to run OK, it took about 20mins until it got to the stress tests and I pulled the power shortly afterwards.

While initially sync'ing with the player Emplode complains about tags with an 0xc0041002 code.

I then followed Roger's manual method and all went OK up to Creating directories on the music partition - it complained about a RO filesystem. After running rwm and retrying, I then used "ls /drive1" and saw that /drive1/fids and /drive1/var was already present (these I believe were a gotcha for Matt about 9 months ago).

That's about it from me. Customary bootlog attached.

PS. Along the way I've tried player firmware such as car2_v2.01_hijack.upgrade - presumably, because my drive is below 137GB, I don't need to use hijack'ed player firmware?

Edit: Hmmm, I guess this is a clue...
Mounting first music partition
Tried to mount /dev/hda4 as reiserfs but got error 19
Mounting second music partition
Tried to mount /dev/hdc4 but got error 6
Error mounting partitions (possibly already mounted)

295038-empeg.log (196 downloads)

Edited by AndrewT (27/02/2007 22:47)