Okay this one's weird. Real weird. I'm slowly filling up my 18GB Empeg with MP3's as I rip them. So, I'm syncing about once a day. In addition to the frequent disk integrity checks from Emplode, I'm having the oddest problem. I first noticed it when I was demoing my Empeg to some buddies and a song was playing and in the middle it cut into a bunch of garbled nonsense, then went back to playing normally. I rewound to check if it was a minor sound glitch, but it was the same mess each time at that position in the song. So it sounded like a garbled MP3. However I've listened to the source MP3's and they're fine. So the possibilities as I see them are:

1. Errors over USB during sync (doesn't sound too probable does it?)
2. Corrupt data on the disk
3. Little gremlins inside my Empeg moving my data around

What's the deal? I haven't heard anyone else complaining about any problems like this. I've noticed it in about 10 songs. When I delete them and re-sync them they're fine. But I'm guessing this isn't a good thing, and I'd like to know what y'all think, especially the Empeg guys. I'm hesitant to report it as a bug until I can identify what the heck is going on under the hood.

MkII 080000554
- Tony C
my empeg stuff