Yeah, I've rebooted in order to watch the kernel boot up messages.
I must have done something stupid somehow then in my directory structure. Maybe it's time to start afresh from the tarball.
At least I know it's not the kernel size

I'm reasonably close to inital Bass/Treble control. I've managed to decode the dB settings in the eq section (second byte of word2 is absolute gain - 0x40 is 0dB, and the players eq settings mapped to this byte perfectly using the equation dB=20log(gain/0x40) ). The frequency and q factor have still got me puzzled though, and based on the numbers that I've seen I suspect that the player is not really adjusting f and Q in total isolation (player bugette maybe?), which makes it difficult to decode. Maybe I'm just missing something.
Anyway, dB is enough to get started - initially the user can set up the eq bands' f and Q values manually, and then access the dB gain though hijack. Eventually I want to make these f and Q values config.ini options and overload any eq settings. I will probably also lock out the treble adjustment when in 4x5 eq mode and just allow bass adjustments to all 4 channels. I've set up the gains to be +-6dB in 0.5dB increments which should be more usable than +-12dB in 1dB increments - anything over 6dB in magnitude is too extreme given the low Q factor that will be used.