Okay, that sounds reasonable. Maybe i can rip some code outta another app and make it work. I'll try to write it as a wrapper to ttsclock that way it can be used for other stuff. Can anyone recommend an app that has good source & licensing that would allow me to pick bits out and re-arrange them?
I imagine the tetris/pacman type games would work (gonna have to brush up on my C) wish someone had an app in perl, but thats prob not very likely
UPDATE: Just looked thru the viewer.c source by Jogn Heathco, looks pretty dang cool, i'm gonna have to read thru hijack.h
New question, can i bind a button with the app while hijack is running, or do i need to get out of hijack first?
John goes:
rc = ioctl( fd, EMPEG_HIJACK_WAITMENU, menu ); // Wait for menu..
Then when that works...
rc = ioctl( fd, EMPEG_HIJACK_BINDBUTTONS, buttons ); // Bind buttons
rc = ioctl( fd, EMPEG_HIJACK_SETGEOM, &fullscreen ); // Grab screen
Can i do the bind, then wait for my button to be pressed and do the screen grab? Or will the bind break hijack?