Being brand spanking new to Linux, maybe one of you old hands can help.

I have a REDRat2 serial to IR learning remote type thing which plugs into a standard 9-way port (normally on m PC). I can use it on the PC to learn commands from consumer IR remotes, save as text and then send them back to the unit to make it send the correct IR out to control anything.

It seems like I may be able to use this on the empeg serial port when docked at home.

What I want to do is send a string of data to the serial port when the empeg is plugged in. I can then make this string set up my HT system to be ready for empeg input without touching a thing.

It seems from my VERY limited knowledge of Linux that I can put a line in the init script to send the codes from a file to the serial port. Is this right ? In DOS I would use:

mode com1:9600,n,8,1,p
copy /b IRfile.txt com1:

How do I do this on the empeg? Can I use cat or cp? How do I set the port's settings (baud rate, parity etc.)?

All help appreciated as always.

MK2 Red S/n 949
MK2 smoked 32Gb S/n 090000949 MK2a Blue 20GB racked and out of sync