Hey Mark,

I wrote an expect script to automate ftp downloads of the kernel. I also added 'ftp' as a make target that invokes it, and a README.ftpempeg.

Attached is the patch. Can you take a look and add it to the Hijack tree? The patch is against v234, but as I doubt you've touched the toplevel Makefile since, there shouldn't be any merge issues.

This is what happens:
[me@here]$ make ftp
spawn ftp empeg
Connected to empeg.nowhere.net
220 Connected.
Name (empeg:root): anonymous
331 Password required.
230 Login okay.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> bin
200 Okay.
ftp> put arch/arm/boot/zImage /proc/empeg_kernel
local: arch/arm/boot/zImage remote: /proc/empeg_kernel
200 Okay.
150 Opening data connection.
Please wait. This should take about 15 seconds.
226 Okay.
Kernel Download succeeded.

77241-ftpempeg.patch (107 downloads)

Edited by genixia (10/03/2002 10:44)
Mk2a 60GB Blue. Serial 030102962 sig.mp3: File Format not Valid.