Here is the last episode of my long and winding saga with groud loop whine:

The player works fine but when I put the tuner on I get ignition whine that is so noticable that it is not worth listening to. Here is what I have done to troubleshoot it:

1. taken the entire HU out and disconnected the antenna while listening to the tuner. The noise is still there so no noise is entering via the power antenna.

2. Disconnected the power from the tuner. noise totally disappears.

3. Cut the ground wife from the tuner to the harness and instead ran a jumper ground from the ground lead out of the tuner to the single ground contact point in the trunk where the ground for the HU and the Amp goes to.

4. No change....whine still exists

So I am thinking it must be a problem with the internal grounding of the tuner.

Any and all suggestions/comments/feedback will be welcome!


...One man gathers what another man spills