This is mainly a question for the empeg people (bots included, Peter) around:

I have been wondering why there are no icons to be found anywhere on the empeg (okay, the little note-sign and the play-sign in the playlists excluded). Is this because:

1) Icons are for idiots. We prefer text.
2) Icons are unreadable on such a display.
3) We can't draw.
4) ???

It's not my intention to start a flame war, I like the empeg. But as I haven't been around on this bbs since the 0.1 MkI releases, I'm not aware of the reasons behind the decision on not to make the menus icon-based.

Also I feel that the empegs interface could be made more user friendly and way more cool with very small changes.

After all, the empeg has a full graphics display. Why use it for just text and visuals. Let's spice it up a bit.

I have several ideas on paper, which I am bringing to the empeg meet.

Lars MkII 40gig 090000598