Not sure how to phrase it - When I hit a button, I'd like it to return where I left off the last time I hit a button. For example I'm listening to the Beatles. I dive into that folder to find White Album. I dive further and play a song. Now I want to hear something on Abbey Road. Instead of starting at the top again, I'd like to just back out one step into the Beatles folder, over to a different album, and then down into that folder. My Archos works like this, it's much easier to navigate.

Another use - For example I'm looking at various display modes. I go through the sequence to find them, select one, and choose it to check out. Now I want to try another. I have to start at the beginning again to do this, over and over. I'm really dreading trying to set the Equalizer, I have a feeling I'll get sick of everything resetting a few seconds after my last button push.

If this is already a feature, please tell me how to activate it!